Acupuncture has been used as a form of healthcare for approximately 3,000 years. This medicine began in a time when scientific knowledge of the body was limited to what could be observed. The ancient Chinese had a very strong knowledge of anatomy (what the body was made of), but not of physiology (HOW the body worked). With this lack of understanding of the body's physiology they created a system of metaphors comparing the body to the environment. The language in the metaphors may sound funny to our scientific ears, but these metaphors lead to a Chinese medical diagnosis, which leads to treatments that work!
During an acupuncture treatment very fine needles are inserted into the body at specific locations according to your Chinese medical diagnosis. Think of it like a traffic jam on the freeway - when we have a health problem it's like an accident on the freeway. In order to clear up the traffic jam, you've got to move the cars that were involved in the accident out of the way. Acupuncture clears the blockages in your body that are leading to your symptoms!
During an acupuncture treatment very fine needles are inserted into the body at specific locations according to your Chinese medical diagnosis. Think of it like a traffic jam on the freeway - when we have a health problem it's like an accident on the freeway. In order to clear up the traffic jam, you've got to move the cars that were involved in the accident out of the way. Acupuncture clears the blockages in your body that are leading to your symptoms!
Becca Seitz, MAcOM, LAc - Acupuncture in SE Portland, Oregon
Serving Portland, Milwaukie, Brooklyn and Sellwood areas.