A recent study shows that acupuncture and tuina (pronounced twee-NAH which is a type of Chinese medical massage) is better than standard medications for treatment of migraines.
Anyone who's ever had a migraine can tell you how horrible and life-affecting they are. It becomes difficult to function, and unfortunately, many migraine medications just aren't all that helpful. They may reduce the frequency or severity of the migraines, but they don't always get rid of them completely. This is where acupuncture comes in - it can eradicate them.
Part of the reason acupuncture works so spectacularly is that treatment is highly individualized. Everyone has different symptoms that accompany their migraines, and it's these secondary symptoms that help paint the picture for your acupuncturist of who exactly you are, what is happening in your body to create the migraines, and what sort of treatment you will require.
Every acupuncture patient will respond differently in how long it takes to become migraine free, so talk with your acupuncturist about what to expect, but most patients will get relief!
If you're suffering from migraines, book your appointment today. Get yourself on the path to being migraine free!
Anyone who's ever had a migraine can tell you how horrible and life-affecting they are. It becomes difficult to function, and unfortunately, many migraine medications just aren't all that helpful. They may reduce the frequency or severity of the migraines, but they don't always get rid of them completely. This is where acupuncture comes in - it can eradicate them.
Part of the reason acupuncture works so spectacularly is that treatment is highly individualized. Everyone has different symptoms that accompany their migraines, and it's these secondary symptoms that help paint the picture for your acupuncturist of who exactly you are, what is happening in your body to create the migraines, and what sort of treatment you will require.
Every acupuncture patient will respond differently in how long it takes to become migraine free, so talk with your acupuncturist about what to expect, but most patients will get relief!
If you're suffering from migraines, book your appointment today. Get yourself on the path to being migraine free!