Mike and I always take vacation over the holidays, which gives us a chance to work on projects around the house, or as was the case for this year, get a little work done on Maude!
We're still working on getting the exterior all finished up, which means finishing up all of the badges.
We're still working on getting the exterior all finished up, which means finishing up all of the badges.
Here, you MIGHT be able to see that I touched up the badge on the left. The right one has since been done, but in this picture, it's not touched up so that you can see the difference? Hopefully? ;)
Here they are, both touched up and clear coated! Ready to be installed :)
The above photos are the "befores" of the rear and front of the trailer, where the Airstream badges go.
And here's the after! Lookin' snazzy, Maude!
We saved the original "caution" badge, gave it a polish and reinstalled it.
These are the last of the badges we had to try to figure out how to refinish. Since their detailing was too small to be able to mask off cleanly, we tried a different technique - sprayed and then sanded the high points. It worked pretty well! These haven't received their clear coat yet, but we're pretty sure the little bit of haziness will look shiny afterwards!
Next, we moved on to reseating this baggage compartment door.
Here it is, all dismantled!
Scraping off that old foam-rubber seal was DISGUSTING. It had been raining, so it was VERY soggy, and smelled like mouse pee. BLECH. But I got most of it all scraped off and then Mike followed up with the grinder. Looks completely different!
Above, Mike got the shell all cleaned up and ready to reassemble it all.
UNFORTUNATELY *sigh* when I had researched "seals for baggage compartment doors for 1959 Airstream" I found seals for a different type of baggage compartment door. Remember the door that we decided to just patch over near the main door? The one that is now Mt Hood with a tree and bear? Yeah, I got the seal for that kind of door. APPARENTLY, the rear one is different. So we're waiting on the order for the correct kind now. The compartment is currently covered with a garbage back and duct tape LOL. Poor Maude, back to looking trashy for the moment!
And that's where we sit currently. We're still trying to figure out how to get her to stop leaking, and we're still trying to trudge forward. ;)
Until next time, stay safe and healthy! :) <3 Becca
UNFORTUNATELY *sigh* when I had researched "seals for baggage compartment doors for 1959 Airstream" I found seals for a different type of baggage compartment door. Remember the door that we decided to just patch over near the main door? The one that is now Mt Hood with a tree and bear? Yeah, I got the seal for that kind of door. APPARENTLY, the rear one is different. So we're waiting on the order for the correct kind now. The compartment is currently covered with a garbage back and duct tape LOL. Poor Maude, back to looking trashy for the moment!
And that's where we sit currently. We're still trying to figure out how to get her to stop leaking, and we're still trying to trudge forward. ;)
Until next time, stay safe and healthy! :) <3 Becca