If you're ready to live without the hindrances of smoking (shortness of breath, incessant coughing, the dependence on a substance to make it through your day), give acupuncture and Chinese medicine a try. It won't do the quitting for you, but it can help ease you through the transition to living and breathing freely.
Your acupuncturist will likely use a special set of points called the 5 Needle Protocol (5NP, for short). The protocol consists of 5 needles placed in each ear on points to treat the Liver, Lung, Kidney, Sympathetic Nervous System, and a special point called Shen Men which translates to "Spirit Gate."
These points have been used with great success in many patients who are addicted to a wide variety of substances. Many state programs to help people get off drugs use these points! 5NP will help calm the nervous system as well as build up the energy of organs that have been damaged by the addiction. So not only do you get relief from your withdrawal symptoms and cravings, you will start feeling better from deep inside and you'll have more energy which will lessen your need for the nicotine. It's like a two-for-one deal!
So when you're ready to start living your life under your own terms, talk to your acupuncturist. Though you do have to make the decision to quit smoking on your own, you're certainly not in it alone!
For more Living and Breathing freely tips, feel free to download this list of ideas to help you through!
Your acupuncturist will likely use a special set of points called the 5 Needle Protocol (5NP, for short). The protocol consists of 5 needles placed in each ear on points to treat the Liver, Lung, Kidney, Sympathetic Nervous System, and a special point called Shen Men which translates to "Spirit Gate."
These points have been used with great success in many patients who are addicted to a wide variety of substances. Many state programs to help people get off drugs use these points! 5NP will help calm the nervous system as well as build up the energy of organs that have been damaged by the addiction. So not only do you get relief from your withdrawal symptoms and cravings, you will start feeling better from deep inside and you'll have more energy which will lessen your need for the nicotine. It's like a two-for-one deal!
So when you're ready to start living your life under your own terms, talk to your acupuncturist. Though you do have to make the decision to quit smoking on your own, you're certainly not in it alone!
For more Living and Breathing freely tips, feel free to download this list of ideas to help you through!