I'm now In-Network with Lifewise Insurance company!
If you curently have Lifewise coverage, I can check what acupuncture benefits you may have, your copay or coinsurance, and your deductible and annual limits, if they apply.
I am currently In-Network with:
American Specialty Health Network
Complementary Health Plans (CHP)
Kaiser Permanente
Lifewise of Oregon
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
I'm also able to bill most other plans out of network!
If you curently have Lifewise coverage, I can check what acupuncture benefits you may have, your copay or coinsurance, and your deductible and annual limits, if they apply.
I am currently In-Network with:
American Specialty Health Network
Complementary Health Plans (CHP)
Kaiser Permanente
Lifewise of Oregon
Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
I'm also able to bill most other plans out of network!