Plum Blossom is another lesser-known technique that can be used by an acupuncturist to treat such complaints as colds, influenza and skin rashes. In Chinese medical theory, each of these is caused by a pathogen that is trapped in the body, usually just beneath the skin. To get the pathogens out of the body so that a patient no longer has symptoms, a Plum Blossom (see picture at left) may be used to gently tap the skin, opening the pores, giving the pathogen an escape route.
Now, I know what you're thinking, "It looks like a medieval torture device! You're not using that thing on me!" but I assure you, there is very little force applied to the tapping, and most people describe it as just that - a tapping sensation. Though there are needles on the head of the Plum Blossom, very rarely is any bleeding experienced.
I have found that the Plum Blossom is very good at cutting short the length of a cold or the flu. I like to use it on the upper back where the pathogens that cause cold and flu like to lurk.
When Plum Blossom is used on skin rashes, while it won't necessarily cure the cause of the rash, but it can be very useful in relieving any itching, redness or swelling in the area. To treat a skin rash, you must, address the underling cause, but it's important for a patient to get some immediate relief as well!
Now, I know what you're thinking, "It looks like a medieval torture device! You're not using that thing on me!" but I assure you, there is very little force applied to the tapping, and most people describe it as just that - a tapping sensation. Though there are needles on the head of the Plum Blossom, very rarely is any bleeding experienced.
I have found that the Plum Blossom is very good at cutting short the length of a cold or the flu. I like to use it on the upper back where the pathogens that cause cold and flu like to lurk.
When Plum Blossom is used on skin rashes, while it won't necessarily cure the cause of the rash, but it can be very useful in relieving any itching, redness or swelling in the area. To treat a skin rash, you must, address the underling cause, but it's important for a patient to get some immediate relief as well!