I met Ming a while back on Twitter. It was a natural match, she's a pharmacist who has discovered the power of Reiki and uses it to treat pets!
What is Reiki? Well here's how Ming describes it: "Reiki (pronounced Ray-key) comes from the Japanese Rei and Ki meaning spiritually guided life energy. Reiki for pets is a form of spiritual healing that helps harmonize the mind, body and soul of your pet. It can be used as a treatment for relaxation as well as a tool for releasing negative emotions and limitations. Reiki is not a religion."
She has had great results working with pets from all over the world (yes, Reiki can be performed at a distance!). Because this is a spiritual medicine, she doesn't need to be present for your pet to feel SO much better! Check out her website for some examples of the incredible work she has done! www.ReikiFurBabies.com
There are so many ways to help our pets (and ourselves) become the healthiest they can be and not every method is perfect for every complaint. Maybe your pet would enjoy some Reiki today?